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Manchester Masons donate $3,000 toward MASCC’s new senior & community event center
by Sara Swanson Last Tuesday, the brothers of Manchester Lodge #148 F&AM met with Pat Vailliencourt and members of the Manchester Area Senior Citizens Council…

State Senator Jeff Irwin calls Trump actions “reckless and illegal” at Manchester coffee hour
by Fritz Swanson State Senator Jeff Irwin, who represents the 15th district, including the City of Manchester, Manchester Township, and Bridgewater Township, in Lansing, held…

Millie’s Coffeehouse extending hours & expanding menu
by Sara Swanson Millie’s Coffeehouse, located at 227 E Main St, announced that they have some exciting changes coming soon. Starting April 1, they are…
Manchester Township board meets, discusses CRC funding, late-night policing

by Sybil Kolon All board members were present at the March 11 board meeting except…
Twentieth Century Club of Manchester is open to new members

submitted by Maggie Hatcher, Twentieth Century Club In an era where digital interactions often replace…
Lions Club funds new youth collection books at the MDL

submitted by Quintessa Gallinat, Manchester District Library Manchester District Library (MDL) is so grateful for…
Carnival brings joy and smiles to Klager

submitted by Melissa Yekulis, Luther C. Klager Elementary School The line went outside the school…
Registration for spring rec soccer is open!

submitted by Sarah Sporer, Manchester Soccer Club, Marketing Coordinator Soccer season is just around the…
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day safely, never drink and drive

submitted by Michigan Liquor Control Commission Whether your favorite drink is Irish whisky or green…