Manchester Non-profits Meet at Roundtable Discussion
On Tuesday September 30, representatives from twelve of Manchester’s non-profit groups met in a roundtable discussion organized by the Community Resource Center. The intent of the meeting was to confirm each group’s mission and area of service, and compile a list of each groups projects. Using this information would allow participants to identify areas of need in the community not being met, areas of overlapping services, and areas in which groups can collaborate on projects and support each other.
While less than half of the non-profits invited were in attendance, it was striking how many of the participants weren’t aware of some or many of just the other groups present. This brought to the forefront the question of how to communicate groups’ projects, events and even existence to the rest of the community. A long list of non-internet based communication ideas was compiled. Other topics brought up included how to get volunteers, how to coordinate calendars between groups to keep events from conflicting, obstacles to breaking free from old patterns within groups and how to help groups in need who are resistant to accepting help.
Another topic of discussion was the age gap in volunteers. Many of the non-profits in Manchester are run by volunteers in their 70’s and older. While there are of course exceptions, many organizations find two whole generations missing. Happily, 3 of the representatives present at the round table were high school students who represented the large pool of active high school volunteers. The round table afforded an opportunity for new connections to be forged between these two larger pools of active volunteers, those in the older non-profit groups and the teens in the younger non-profit groups.
Groups participating included the Civic Club, Manchester Wellness Coalition, Manchester Voices, Manchester Wellness Center, Project Success, Kiwanis, the Community Resource Center , St. Mary Catholic Church, Students Leading Students, High School Student Council, Manchester Ladies Society, and Manchester Family Services. The group decided to adjourn until after the holidays and then reconvene. If you would like to participate in the next meeting, or have questions about this meeting contact Laura Seyfried, Director of the Community Resource Center at 734-428-7722 or
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