Ray Berg

Manchester Wellness Coalition Seeks Your Ideas

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The Manchester Wellness Coalition is now preparing its Year 5 Comprehensive Plan, covering the period July 2016 - June 2017. This plan guides the Coalition in determining the health and wellness needs of the Manchester community, and preparing interventions and associated grant requests to the 5 Healthy Towns Foundation and other sources. Volunteers meet monthly, review the results of different health studies and previous interventions, and work to develop a good mix of programs covering all demographics and health interests in Manchester. Interventions include service programs, infrastructure projects and community events of many types.

We are utilizing the results of the recently completed Washtenaw County Health Improvement Plan (HIP) telephone survey, in which approximately 250 Manchester-area residents participated, along with several other data sources. We look for trends in various health statistics, as they relate to the four 5H mission statements: Eat Better, Move More, Connect with Others in Healthy Ways, and Avoid Unhealthy Substances.

As we work on the Year 5 Plan, we ask for your input and ideas. Please review the list of potential Year 5 interventions identified to date: MANCHESTER WELLNESS COALITION Year 5 Ideas What do you think? Do you have other suggestions? We’d like to hear them. Please consider these suggestions in light of how they meet one or more of the four mission statements listed above.

We’d appreciate your input by December 15, as we work to finalize and then prioritize the suggested interventions. You can email your thoughts to manchesterwellnesscoalition@gmail.com, or to the Coalition Chair, Ray Berg at rayberg@att.net. You can also stop by our next meeting, Tuesday, November 24, noon at the Village Room, Manchester Village Offices.

Please visit us on Facebook HERE, or on the web HERE and click on the Manchester tab. We look forward to hearing from you!

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