Gazebo Concert series debuts this week

Since 1989, each summer has brought a variety of musical styles and sounds to the gazebo on the “village square” in Wurster Park. This summer is no exception and the lineup will be fantastic!
This year’s Gazebo Concert series will kick off, as is its tradition, with a Children’s concert. This week’s featured group is Gemily: Gemini + Emily. The popular Ann Arbor children’s duo of Gemini (twin brothers San and Laz Slomovitz, who have performed together since 1973) will return to the gazebo, joined by San’s daughter Emily, who’s no newcomer to the gazebo herself! An accomplished violinist with a beautiful voice, she has served on the Cultural Arts Strings staff for several years and performed with Jacob Warren and other artists at Gazebo Concerts in the past.
The concert will be held at 7 pm (one-half hour earlier than all the other concerts), since the following morning is the last day of school.
Come, bring your children and grandchildren to the gazebo on Thursday night and kick off your summer with this fun trio! Bring a chair or a blanket, a picnic (or take out from one of our local eateries!) and a beverage if you wish, and enjoy this kick-off to summer in Manchester. Freewill donations will be accepted at the intermission.
Gazebo concerts always go on as scheduled, even if there is inclement weather. Rain location will be announced (but hopefully not needed).
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