Sara Swanson

DDA looking for recent barn quilts to add to brochure

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A barn quilt

submitted by Karen Berg

In 2015, the Manchester Downtown Development Authority received grant funding from Destination Ann Arbor to develop a series of local tour brochures highlighting unique aspects of Manchester. Our initial project was to prepare a tour brochure of the barn quilts around our four townships, entitled “Tour de Barn Quilts.” This brochure contains a route map of locations and photographs of these quilts, along with information about downtown Manchester restaurants and shops.

This brochure can be downloaded and viewed from the following link on the Chamber website:

This Manchester Barn Quilts brochure has been very popular, and we have depleted our supply. We’ve received funding from Destination Ann Arbor through the Community Tourism Action Plan to update and reprint this brochure, as well as adding locations and information on several unique barns around Manchester. As part of our update, we would like to know about any recent barn quilts that have been installed in recent years. We’re also updating the brochure to define those along a safe bicycling route, and those more suitable for vehicle travel.

If you have a barn quilt on your barn to have considered for this brochure, please send your name, house address, email address, and a picture of your quilt to We would like to have them by August 18 so we can get started on preparing our new brochure. Thanks for your support of this project promoting Manchester!

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