Recipe: Chocolate “burgers”

10-year old Samantha Muntz with the help of her father made chocolate burgers for the Manchester Ladies Society’s 7th Annual Chocolate Potluck.
Chocolate “Burgers”
by Samantha and Alan Muntz
To make the “burger meat,” soften chocolate of choice in a double boiler, mixing regularly until it is soft but not soupy. Remove from heat and scoop out onto parchment paper. Dust with a mix of corn starch and powdered sugar (50/50 mix), and knead/mix by hand until the chocolate is no longer oily and has a play-dough texture. Form into patties about the same size as the wafers.
Assemble complete burgers with the following:
Use marshmallow fluff as mayo
Use strawberry syrup as ketchup.
Use shredded coconut flakes, dyed green as lettuce.
Use vanilla wafer cookies for “buns”
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