Men’s Club Begins Annual Christmas Tree Sale

Men’s Club members unload the wrapped trees as they prepare for the sale.
Christmas trees are once again on sale in downtown Manchester. The familiar town institution came back to life on December 1st. Members of the Men’s Club — as well as players from the boys’ and girls’ soccer teams, Boy Scout Troop 426, and other volunteers — loaded, toted, hauled, hefted, drove, and dragged 240 trees into the front yard of Chi-Bro Park.
A remarkable 63 trees were sold on the first day of the sale, with 41 sold in the first hour alone. Twenty more were sold the second day. The Men’s Club Christmas Tree sale helps fund the Men’s Clubs charitable giving and activities during the year. Trees are $35 each and available at Chi-Bro Park. The hours are Monday through Friday, 5 PM – 8 PM; Saturdays, 9 AM – 5 PM; and Sunday, 12 – 5 PM.
Images courtesy of Karl Racenis. Text by James Miller.

Girl Scouts provided seasonal music to get shoppers in the mood!

Library Director (and newbie Men’s Club Member) James Miller unloads trees.
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