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Upcoming Washtenaw County Conservation District Annual Meeting

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CD picThe conservation District will hold their annual meeting on Thursday, January 16, 2014, 6:30pm at the Washtenaw County Farm Council Grounds, 5055 Ann Arbor-Saline Road. The public is welcome to attend.

The Washtenaw County Conservation District is a local unit of state government, assisting private landowners, businesses and others with management of their natural resources in Washtenaw County. The District works cooperatively with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. This District is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Information on the Conservation District is available on-line at

The meeting will include the presentation of two conservation awards. The “Walter Wolfgang Memorial” Conservation Farmer of the Year Award will be presented to the Paul and Connie Marion family of Saline Township, and the Tree Conservationist Award will be presented to Tom and Jenae Chulig of Bridgewater Township.

The Marions are being recognized for their conservation farming efforts—including no-till; soil testing and nutrient management, and three verifications in the Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP), including the farmstead, cropping and livestock systems.

The Chuligs are being recognized for excellent tree planting efforts—including planting 7,000 trees since the mid 1980’s for reforestation, and their overall stewardship ethic.

Reports on 2013 accomplishments, election of two District Directors, and a door prize drawing will also be included in the meeting program.

Joe Rogers from the Wildlife Recovery Association will present an exciting program about Michigan raptors at the meeting. The fast-paced, funny, and informative natural history program uses live birds of prey to help attendees learn about cavity nesting birds, hunting techniques of falcons, specialized adaptations of American Kestrels, and camouflage used by great horned owls. Learn about their language, hunting habits, and niche.

A buffet dinner will open the District Annual Meeting. Donations for dinner are $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children 12 and under. Reservations are needed for the dinner and should be made by January 13, 2014. Payment can be made at the door the night of the meeting. For more information about the Conservation District annual meeting, or to make dinner reservations (deadline is January 13th), call the District Office at: (734) 761-6721 extension 5.


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