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The Affordable Care Act, Medicaid Expansion, and the Health Insurance Marketplace

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CRC logoStill Have Questions About Health Care?

The Community Resource Center and the Manchester District Library are hosting volunteers from the Washtenaw Health Initiative to present the facts and answer your questions related to the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid Expansion in Michigan, the Health Insurance Marketplace, and local Certified Application Counselors.

“The Community Resource Center (CRC) helps area residents find resources for their needs. Health insurance is one of those needs. and now more than ever, people have questions about how recent changes in the law will affect them personally,” says Laura Seyfried, Director of the CRC.

Starting on January 1, 2014, everyone in Washtenaw County must have health insurance coverage, with a few exceptions.  This is due to the individual mandate of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 sometimes referred to as “ACA” or “ObamaCare”).

Volunteers from the Washtenaw Health Initiative (WHI) will be presenting at 1:00 PM on Saturday, February 22. 2014 at the Village Room (lower level of the Village Offices at 912 City Rd, 48158) to talk about individuals’ and families’ new options under the ACA, as well as point people to agencies that help out with enrollment. The volunteers are mostly graduate students at the University of Michigan (U-M), and are organized by both the WHI and the U-M student group, the Health Policy Student Association (HPSA). Volunteers come from a variety of disciplines including public health, medicine, social work, law, policy, and business.

‘”There are 25,000 people without health insurance in Washtenaw County. That’s a lot of folks to reach out to!  We’re thrilled to be working with the Health Policy Student Association to reach as many of those 25,000 people as possible,” says Carrie Rheingans, Project Manager of the Washtenaw Health Initiative.

We’re excited about the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of those living in our community,” said Juliana Stebbins, U-M graduate student in public health, and HPSA student lead on the community outreach and education project. “Not only do we get to help people learn their new options under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), but we also get to learn about the ACA itself.”

Individuals and families have various options for enrolling In health Insurance, depending on their family income. In general, the lower the family income, the more assistance Is available to purchase a health insurance plan.  Many families will qualify for a new Medicaid program, even if they have been denied in the past.  The new program, called the Healthy Michigan Plan, will begin April 1, 2014.

Questions? Contact Laura Seyfried, director of Community Resource Center at or 734-428-7722



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