News News

Bandapalooza! (Updated)

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Update: The Honors Band concert is at 4:00 not 5:00 as previously published.


It will be a busy five days for the Manchester music programs.  Between May 15th and May 20th the high school will play host to three concerts.

The marathon kicks off on Thursday the 15th at 7:00, with the High School Band, Choir and Jazz Band performing their annual spring concert. In addition to the ensembles performing, recognition will be given to all the seniors and the Kieb Scholarship Recipient.

The next event is on Sunday May 18th at 4:00 pm, when Manchester will play host to MSBOA (Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association) District 8 Middle School Honors Band.  District 8 is best described as south-central Michigan and includes the cities of Lansing and Jackson.  The honors band will include Manchester percussionists Megan Jacobs and Katie Wakevainen.

Finally on May 20th at 7:00 pm, the Middle school bands will be performing their spring concert.  This concert will include the 5th Grade, 6th Grade and the 7th/8th Grade Bands.

All of these performances are free and open the public.

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