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Manchester School District Budget Hearing

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high schoolThe Manchester School Board will hold its annual budget review meeting at 6:00 Monday night, immediately followed by the regular School Board meeting at 7:00.

The finance committee has been working over the last few months on the 2014-2015 school budget and will present its recommendations at the public meeting.  The district has been faced with declining state revenue, declining enrollment, and increasing operational costs.  This has forced it to slash millions from its budget over the past ten years.  Last year’s operating budget was over $11 million dollars, but faced with the needed capital improvements, rising retirement costs, and inflation increases, the district had to dip into savings to cover expenses.

One small ray of hope is the state legislature recently passed the education omnibus bill that will increase the states per-pupil funding, one revenue source for school districts.  For Manchester, that means the per pupil funding will increase to $7251 per student, up from $7102 in 2014.


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