“MOST Teens Don’t Use” Campaign Under Way

The MOST campaign sponsored by Manchester Voices has started with informative posters and other information in area business windows. Photo courtesy of Manchester Voices.
The Manchester Voices Coalition and Students Leading Students have kicked off a new positive social norm campaign titled, “MOST Teens Don’t Use.” This campaign celebrates teens that are making healthy choices when it comes to marijuana, alcohol, and tobacco use.
Lindsay Hannah, who organized Manchester Voices and acts as Project SUCCESS Counselor at Manchester Middle School and High School, says, “We spend a lot of time focusing on youth who are choosing to use substances. It’s important to acknowledge and celebrate the majority of teens who are making healthy choices.
“Additionally, perception can be very powerful and we know that teens believe more of their peers are using than actually are.”
Based on Manchester data collected from the Michigan Profile for Healthy Youth (MiPHY), 22.5% of Manchester High School Students believe 51-70% of their peers drank alcohol in the past month and 19.4% believe 31-50% of peers have drunk in the past month. (Scroll to end of article to view graphs showing perception data on marijuana & tobacco.)

Colorful posters created by eighth-grade art students illustrate important facts about actual student behaviors. Photo courtesy of Manchester Voices.
Studies show that peer and parent perceptions about the percentage of teenagers who use substances are much higher than actual numbers of teenagers who are using. Since changing perceptions is the first step in changing behaviors, the campaign focuses on the positive – that MOST teens are not using. By correcting the misconceptions, teens won’t feel pressured to use because they believe that “everyone else is doing it.”
The “MOST Teens Don’t” (MOST) Campaign is using 2014 data from the Michigan Profile for Healthy Youth (MiPHY) survey that is given to High School and Middle School students every two years. The “MOST” posters you will see around town have been created by Manchester Voices Youth and Adult members, Students Leading Students members, AND Ms. Griffin’s 8th Grade art class. You can expect to see the following data pop up around downtown and in both the Middle and High School:
- 89% of Manchester High School Students have NOT USED MARIJUANA in the past 30 days.
- 78% of Manchester High School Students have NOT USED ALCOHOL in the past 30 days.
- 95% of Manchester Middle School Students have NOT USED ALCOHOL in the past 30 days.
- 93% of Manchester High School Students have NOT USED CIGARETTES in the past 30 days.
(Scroll to end of article to view graphs showing how Manchester compares to National and County statistics.)
The MOST Campaign will run through the end of the current school year. In May, students will be encouraged to complete an online survey to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign. The survey will be anonymous and confidential. Students who complete the survey will have a choice to enter a drawing to win prizes. If you are curious about the effectiveness of this campaign, please take a look at the results from Livingston County’s “MOST Teens Don’t” campaign evaluation survey results from last year.
If you are concerned by the data that the MOST campaign is showing and would like to help reduce youth alcohol and substance use, there are a few things you can do to help!
- Join the Manchester Voices Coalition!
- Provide a safe, alcohol and drug-free place for teens
- Talk to teens about the dangers, risks, and consequences of alcohol and drug use
- Support and encourage an alcohol and drug-free lifestyle
- Monitor and set boundaries for teens
- Know where your teens are, who they are with, and what they are doing
- Discuss with teens how the media promotes the use of alcohol and drugs
- Lock up your alcohol, prescription drugs, and tobacco
For more information about the MOST Campaign, contact Lindsay Hannah at 734-476-0686 or Lindsay@kbamichigan.com.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Social Norm? Much of people’s behavior is influenced by their perceptions of what is ‘normal’ or ‘typical. (Most of Us Program).
How does a Social Norm Campaign work? There are many areas in which people’s behaviors, attitudes or opinions could be shifted by using strategic marketing to realign their perceptions with reality. Informing people that the majority of their peers are acting in a positive or healthy way can create an environment in which people actively strive to emulate what they believe is typical of their peers. (Most of Us Program)
Where can I find more information about Social Norm Campaigns? The Most of Us Program (Tobacco Prevention, Alcohol Misuse Prevention, Seat Belt Safety); The Truth (Tobacco Prevention); The Majority Project (Challenging Pit Bull Stereotypes & Misinformation)
What is the Manchester Voices Coalition? Manchester Voices is a coalition with the mission, “Helping Youth Make Healthy Choices,” that encourages members of our community of all ages to plan and participate in drug and alcohol free activities. In so doing, members promote personal and community health and wellness. Additionally, Manchester Voices strives to change community norms and policies that enable underage drinking and over the counter medication abuse and misuse.
What type of questions will the Evaluation Survey ask?
- Do you recall seeing or hearing about the “MOST Teens Don’t Use” campaign?
- Did information from the campaign result in discussions with parents and friends about how many teens are using alcohol and drugs?
- Did the MOST Campaign change your beliefs about how many teens are using?
- Did this result in feeling reduced pressure to use?
More information about the Michigan Profile for Healthy Youth (MiPHY) Survey can be found at the Michigan Department of Education website.
Graphs courtesy of Manchester Voices:
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