Sara Swanson

Kiwanis of Manchester Celebrates 25 Years of Service

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Photo courtesy of Manchester Kiwanis.

The Kiwanis Club of Manchester hosted their 25th Anniversary Party on May 20 in celebration of their years of service to the Manchester community. On hand were members of their Kiwanis family including the Manchester High School Key Club, Manchester Middle School Builders Club and representatives from fellow Kiwanis organizations throughout Washtenaw County. In addition, representatives from the Manchester Lions Club, the Community Resource Center, the Manchester Area Chamber of Commerce and other friends from throughout the community were on hand to share in the celebration.

The Manchester Club was chartered in January of 1990 and was sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Saline. Throughout the years, the Manchester Club has sponsored a wide variety of service projects and fundraisers for the benefit of the community. The club sponsors the annual Kiwanis Crazy Cash Night which it has done each March for the past 16 years. Donations to various community projects and organizations throughout the years total over $240,000. They also just completed the 49th annual River Raisin Canoe Race which is a service to the community and also serves as a small fundraiser for the organization.

Keynote speaker of the event Susan Petrisin was present to congratulate the club on this milestone year. Petrisin, of East Lansing, is the first woman in the organization’s 100 year history chosen to lead Kiwanis International. She spoke of her recent travels to Cambodia where her team, in conjunction with UNICEF, was promoting safe health practices working toward the elimination of Neo-natal Tetanus.

The clubs biggest source of pride is the sponsorship of both the High School Key Club and Middle School Builders Clubs. Through efforts of the Kiwanis members and faculty advisors these organizations teach community youth the importance of community service and helps develop them as tomorrow’s leaders.

For more information on the Kiwanis Club of Manchester please visit them on Facebook at Kiwanis Club of Manchester or contact club secretary Cindy Kenney at 734.417.3653. The club meets the first and third Wednesday of each month at the Coffee Mill in downtown Manchester and is currently seeking new members.

Kiwanis International began in 1915 as an all-male organization in Detroit, Mi. and now has 8,400 clubs around the world.

2015 Kiwanis Club (1)

2015 Manchester Kiwanis Club. Photo courtesy of Manchester Kiwanis

Builders Club with Sue Petrisin (1)

Builders Club with Sue Petrisin. Photo courtesy of Manchester Kiwanis

Key Club with Sue Petrisin (1)

Key Club with Sue Petrisin. Photo courtesy of Manchester Kiwanis.

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Kiwanis President Jerry Humitz and Former Lions Governor Barry Allen. Photo courtesy of Manchester Kiwanis.

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