Red Tail Ring Hits the Gazebo this Week!

Red Tail Ring, featuring Laurel Premo (left) and Michael Beauchamp, will perform this Thursday at the Manchester Gazebo. The concert will begin at 7:30 p.m.
On Thursday, June 11, the Kalamazoo-based duo Red Tail Ring will perform for the Manchester Gazebo Concert Series sponsored by Riverfolk Music and Arts Organization. The concert begins at 7:30 p.m. and the event is free and open to the public. Free will donations will be collected at intermission.
Laurel Premo and Michael Beauchamp, of Red Tail Ring, will share a raw blend of original folk music and interpretations of old ballads and dance tunes from the southeast mountains.
Whether rendering a traditional tune or one of their original compositions, Red Tail Ring infuses each song with musical imagination, haunting harmonies and instrumental artistry on fiddle, guitar, banjo, mandolin, jawharp and plain-old foot stomping.
“We love pushing the boundaries of what a traditional song can be,” says Beauchamp. “There’s a real energy exchange between the old and the new.”
Since 2009, Red Tail Ring has released three albums, and traveled increasingly farther in their musical ramblings–performing throughout the Midwest, Northeast, and Southeast, as well as touring in Denmark and Germany. When they’re off the road, Laurel and Michael enjoy playing for community square dances when in their hometown of Kalamazoo.
For more information about the band visit their website.
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