Women Invited to Dress as Wonder Woman for Fair Parade
The Manchester Ladies Society announced this week that they are inviting all women and girls to dress up as their own version of Wonder Woman and walk in the Manchester Fair Parade with them. The Fair Parade scheduled for June 23 will begin at 6:30pm. Participants should line up at 6pm outside of the Fair Grounds. No RSVP is required but if you have any questions or suggestions, email manchesterladiessociety@gmail.com.
“Your version of Wonder Woman” could vary from a traditional Wonder Woman costume to a stylized homemade version to a Wonder Woman T-shirt. Ladies Society president Jessica Bushaw will be dressed as a rock-a-billy version. Society member, Theresa Herron stated, ”I’m excited to see what everyone chooses for their version of Wonder Woman. And I really hope someone comes in full-on authentic Wonder Woman complete with magic lasso!”
This event is the kick-off event for the Ladies Society Year of the Wonder Woman which will include a variety of woman-focused activities. The idea behind the Year of the Wonder Woman is that women come in all shapes and sizes and it’s what’s inside that makes you a super hero. The next event is a Roller Derby Skills Exhibition scheduled for July 11 at 2:30pm in the Ackerson Gym. At this free, family friendly event, an area-team the Ann Arbor Derby Dimes will promote athleticism, empowerment, camaraderie and teamwork while demonstrating roller derby moves. Events scheduled for next fall include a poster contest and a facilitated community discussion about the current body image atmosphere and how we can improve it for Manchester’s future generations.
When asked why dress as Wonder Woman for the parade, Ladies Society members stated, “With everything women have to do and deal with everyday, every woman is a Wonder Woman and deserves a parade!”
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