Sharon United Methodist Church to Host Handel’s Messiah Performance

Part 1 of the 3 part “Messiah”, the English-language oratorio composed by George Frideric Handel in 1741. The popular Part I is sometimes called the “Christmas” portion as it is frequently performed during advent in concert. It will be performed on Friday, December 11 at 7pm in the Sharon UMC Sanctuary in a free concert by The Jubilate Singers of the Jackson Studio of Musical Arts.
Sharon United Methodist Church is inviting the public to a FREE holiday performance of selections from Handel’s Messiah on Friday, December 11, 2015 at 7pm. The concert will be held in the sanctuary of the historic Sharon United Methodist Church on the corner of M-52 and Pleasant Lake Rd. and will be presented by the adult ensemble, “The Jubilate Singers” of the Jackson Studio of Musical Arts under the direction of Mr. Dave Norman. Members of the chorus include individuals from Jackson, Manchester and Adrian. A light reception will follow in Sharon UMC’s Fellowship Hall.
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