Relay For Life 2016 to Kick Off in March with “A Taste of Manchester”
Manchester’s sixth annual Relay For Life is set for June 18, 2016.
Each year, more than 4 million people in 20 countries raise much-needed funds and awareness to save lives from cancer through the Relay For Life movement. During a Relay event, participants and survivors celebrate what they’ve overcome, remember people lost to the disease, and honor people who have fought or are fighting cancer.

Relay For Life of Manchester is a great opportunity to fight cancers of all types. The event is set for June 18, from 10 a.m. to midnight.
The event also inspires Relay participants to take action against a disease that has taken too much from too many people.
Manchester will kick off its “relay season” on Sunday, March 20 with A Taste of Manchester at the Kingsley-Jenter Home, 302 E. Main Street. The Manchester Area Historical Society, who recently purchased this historic residence on the corner of Main and Ann Arbor Streets, is pleased to host this special local event filled with samples from local food vendors and services. If your business would like to have a table to showcase your culinary talents, please contact Dawn Bolan.
Tickets for A Taste of Manchester are $15 per person, $20 per couple, and $25 per family, and will be available soon at several community locations.
The event benefits Relay For Life of Manchester and will help “kick off” the fund-raising season for those who participate in the June 20 event. New teams and team members will be able to sign up, both at the Taste of Manchester or online. More passionate cancer fighters are welcome, both at the Relay and to join the planning committee. Contact Alisha Mireles for more information!
A Relay For Life event is not only a way to join the community as it fights back against cancer, but it is also a way to inspire HOPE by raising funds and cancer awareness to help those facing the disease–both cancer patients and their caregivers and family members. “Everyone who is part of Relay For Life has a very special and personal reason to get involved,” says Mireles. “When your life has been touched by cancer in any way, it becomes a very personal battle.”
Relay For Life is not just about one type of cancer–the American Cancer Society (ACS) supports ALL cancer victims and their families. Being a part of Relay For Life is one way of remembering the sacrifices and fighting back against cancers of all kinds.
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