Manchester Lion Barry Allen featured in Lions International magazine

Barry Allen, featured in Lions magazine this month. Photo from feature.
Manchester Lion’s Club member Barry Allen is featured this month in the June Issue of Lions International’s magazine Lions in a section called “Lions on Lions.” It reads:
Twenty years as a Navy pilot followed by an 18-year stint flying with United Airlines drew Allen to Lions. “My eyesight is extremely important to me, so I know how important it is to others. Having seen much of the world, I understand the poverty and hardships people face,” he says. Since 2007 he has rotated through all of his club’s leadership positions, but found serving as charter president to be the most rewarding. “In most cases, the president is handed the reins and can adjust the direction of the club. But as charter president you need to envision where the club will be in five to 10 years,” says Allen, a past district governor. As the district centennial coordinator, Allen visits clubs with his wife, Peggy, the district governor. “I’ve read several books on Melvin Jones, and I’ve worked up a presentation on him,” Allen says. His Lions family has grown over the years by hosting 29 youths from nine countries through LC l’s Youth Exchange program. They stay in touch through a Facebook group Allen created, and he and Peggy visited several of their “kids” in Australia and New Zealand. “Every student is special to us. We treat them like grandkids. Unless you’ve done it, you don’t realize what an honor it is to show young people our wonderful country.”
You can read it online here.
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