Kiwanis honors Fire fighter of the Year and Law Enforcement Officer of the Year

Deputy Marvin Sharrock and Firefighter Shawn Booth receiving their awards. Photo courtesy of Manchester Kiwanis.
For the 12th year, Manchester Kiwanis has recognized a Fire fighter of the Year and Law Enforcement Officer of the Year. The honorees each received an award presented at a dinner meeting, at which the officers and their families were guests. A traveling plaque stays in the office with the names of past and current recipients. Kiwanis works with the departments to select recipients. They contact commanding officers earlier in the year and ask them to communicate with their staff and officers to help in the selection process.
This year Kiwanis is honoring Shawn Booth as 2016 firefighter of the year.
Booth has been with the Manchester Volunteer Fire Department for 21 years which requires on-going continuing education and certification and is also a full time Pittsfield Township police officer. With approximately 365 runs a year in Manchester, he is most consistently the first one to respond whenever he is not working at his full time job.
Booth was presented his award for his outstanding service and excellence in preforming his duties by Sgt. Paul Cook of the Washtenaw County Sheriff Department. Sgt. Cook, who has known Booth since their police academy days over 20 years ago said, “Shawn is a great role model to newer and younger volunteers.”
Kiwanis also honored Marvin Sharrock as 2016 law enforcement officer of the year.
Deputy Sharrock has served with Washtenaw County Sheriff’s department for nine years, previously serving as security officer for Ford Motor Co. Sgt. Cook stated, “In past years, an officer was selected for one heroic or significant moment in time, but Deputy Sharrock was selected for his continued good decision making and outstanding ability to deal with people.” He added that serving in a small community like Manchester is very different that working for the department in eastern Washtenaw County and requires a different set of skills. “Deputy Sharrock has great people skills and comes up with ways to enforce the law while being empathetic and caring while doing his job,” he stated.
Kiwanis member Matt Donnellon served as committee chair for this event and presented the officers with their certificates.
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