Sharon Township holds first annual picnic
submitted by Trudi Cooper
On August 27, Sharon Township held its first annual picnic at Sharon Mills Park. The first order of business was crowning the eldest attending citizens King and Queen. Sharon Township temporarily ceded from the Union, as the King and Queen of The Kingdom of Sharon began their reign in the pouring rain. (The sunshine held off as long as it could before announcing the new Kingdom with great thundering fanfare.)
Queen Dorothy Tenniswood delighted her subjects, first by pretending to be an old person, then by dancing a jig as she accepted the crown. “The moment I spotted her entering Sharon Mills Park, I knew she would be Queen,” said the Picnic Planner. “She had that ’I’ve got this’ look, as if she had been preparing all her life for this moment. I saw her size up the competition, and she found them lacking in years.”
The King and Queen were entertained by the Magnificent Carla Samson, who regaled the crowd with her spectacular hula-hooping. Never before has such a thrilling performance been seen in this small Kingdom in Western Washtenaw County!
King Don Kersten abdicated the throne ere long, citing potential embarrassment once the Townspeople found out about his Commoner wife, but rumor has it he quit in order to pursue his new career as a hula-hooper.
Also crowned were the Prince and Princess of the Kingdom of Sharon, Amelia and Patrick Hunsche.
Royal subjects feasted on homemade delicacies and told tales of great and small derring-do.
The royal reign ended as the rain ended, and the loyal townspeople returned to the fields and forests of lovely Sharon Township.
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