Manchester Kids Win at K of C Regional Free Throw Contest

Five of the six Manchester kids who participated in the K of C Free Throw regional competition: l-r Peyton Fether, Jase Punches, Lila Harvey, Canon Duffing and Elizabeth Taylor. (Mckenna Marsh also participated but is missing from the photo)
The Knights of Columbus Free Throw Competition held its regional competition on February 25th in Brighton. Six Manchester children participated, and three qualified for the State competition. The three who qualified are Jase Punches, 9, Lila Harvey, 9, and Peyton Fether, 10. Mckenna Marsh and Canon Duffing also participated. Elizabeth Taylor, 11, made runner up for her age group.
The State Competition will be held on March 12th in Mt. Pleasant from 12-4 pm.
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