Sara Swanson

State Rep. Donna Lasinski to hold coffee hour in Manchester

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Photo courtesy of Donna Lasinski.

Photo courtesy of Donna Lasinski.

State Representative for the 52nd District, Donna Lasinski, will be holding a coffee hour in Manchester on Wednesday, March 29th, from 6-7pm in the Village Room location the lower level, 912 City Rd.

Lasinski praised the recent passage of a bipartisan legislative package that would extend Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to apply to the governor’s office and would create a similar Legislative Open Records Act to apply to the state Legislature.

“When I came to Lansing, I felt it was important that we work to restore the public’s trust in their state government, which is why I focused my first bill on making our government more transparent and accountable,” Lasinski said. “Today my colleagues on both sides of the aisle joined together in passing legislation that shines a light on the inner workings of their state government. Together, these bills represent a significant step toward holding our state’s elected officials accountable to the people we serve.”

Lasinski’s bill in the package, House Bill 4156, specifies how to separate exempt from non-exempt material in requested documents, and requires that non-exempt material be made available for review. It also directs the attorney general to counsel and advise a public body on the administration of the Legislative Open Records Act to the state Legislature.

If you will be unable to attend the event in Manchester, she is also holding a coffee hour on Thursday, March 23rd from 6:30-7:30pm at the Northfield Township Office, Board Room, located at 8350 Main St., Suite A., in Whitmore Lake.


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