National Society Daughters of the American Revolution – Lucy Walcott Barnum Chapter and Manchester Area Historical Society honor Vietnam Veterans

Betty Cummings – DAR Chapter Regent, assisted by Laura Sutton – First Vice President of the Manchester Area Historical Society, presents certificate to Stanley Gilbert. Photo courtesy of Betty Cummings.
submitted by Betty Cummings
The Lucy Wolcott Barnum Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR), is a proud commemorative partner of the United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration, marking the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War. The mission is to thank and honor the 7.2 million living Vietnam veterans and the families of all 9 million who served in uniform from November 1, 1955, to May 15, 1975.
A group of Manchester Vietnam Veterans were recognized and thanked for their unselfish dedication, patriotism, and bravery at the May 11 meeting of the Manchester Area Historical Society held at Sharon Mills County Park. Many Vietnam veterans did not receive a warm welcome when they returned from Vietnam. This commemoration is an effort to try to make up for that by assuring the veterans and their families that we honor their sacrifices. Each veteran received a Presidential Proclamation, a certificate from the DAR, a lapel pin, and a joint letter from the Chapter Regent and the Chair of the Commemorative Events committees describing this program and thanking the veterans. Each family member present received a commemorative pin.
The focus of the Daughters of the American Revolution is to promote historic preservation, education, and patriotism. The Society supports several schools, offers scholarships, and is involved in the community. The Lucy Wolcott Barnum Chapter was founded in Adrian on April 19, 1909. The National Society celebrated its 125th anniversary on October 11, 2015.

Barry Allen. Photo courtesy of Betty Cummings.

Charles Fusilier. Photo courtesy of Betty Cummings.

Chris Edward Strong. Photo courtesy of Betty Cummings.

David Chartrand. Photo courtesy of Betty Cummings.

Gerald Shaw. Photo courtesy of Betty Cummings.

James Landini. Photo courtesy of Betty Cummings.

Lewis Major, Jr. Photo courtesy of Betty Cummings.

Michael Croghan. Photo courtesy of Betty Cummings.

Ray Kemner. Photo courtesy of Betty Cummings.

Robert Luckhardt. Photo courtesy of Betty Cummings.

Terry Harris. Photo courtesy of Betty Cummings.
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