Schaible re-elected to United Producers’ board of directors

UPI – Manchester facility
Manchester’s Dan Schaible was re-elected to the board of directors for United Producers Inc. effective June 21. As a director, he will represent the members of District 8, southeast Michigan, for a three-year term on the board of directors. Elected during UPI’s district delegate meeting, he will help govern one of the largest livestock marketing cooperative in the United States.
“We are pleased that Dan is continuing his role as a director with UPI,” said Mike Bumgarner, President and CEO of United Producers Inc. “As a co-op, our organization is focused on serving our farmer-members – and having representation from dedicated farmers who are passionate about their work is critical to ensuring the future success of our organization.”
Along with serving as a UPI delegate, Schaible also serves on the UPI board’s credentials committee. Additionally, he is in his third term as a Freedom Township Trustee and serves as the township Planning Commissions secretary. He is active in the Washtenaw County Farm Bureau and St. John’s Lutheran Church.
Schaible raises lambs in partnership with his brother, Mike, and also raises corn, soybeans, wheat, oats and hay. He and his wife Julie reside in Manchester.
United Producers, Inc. is one of the largest farmer-owned livestock marketing cooperatives in the United States. In addition to livestock marketing, United Producers provides credit and risk management solutions and serves more than 30,000 livestock producers in the Midwest United States. United Producers was formed in 1934 and is headquartered in Columbus, Ohio. For more information about becoming a UPI member, visit
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