Sara Swanson

Cub Scouts holding food drive for Manchester Family Services

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Manchester’s Cub Scout Pack 421 would like your help in supporting Manchester Family Services this holiday Season. They will be collecting nonperishable foods, personal care items & cleaning supplies (please no glass or expired goods). Manchester Family Services will be distributing all the goods collected to members of our community on December 16 at their annual “Christmas Shop.”

The Scouts will be collecting at Dollar General & Manchester Market on Saturday, December 2 from 10 am to 2 pm and on Sunday, December 3 from noon to 4 pm. They will also have two convenient food collection drop box locations. Beginning on November 27 through Dec. 2, the Scouts will have a dropbox at Andrews Family Chiropractic. And on December 2 during the Christmas in the Village craft show, the Scouts will have a drop box at Sharon United Methodist Church.

Please direct any questions, comments or concerns to Angie Flint. Assistant Bears Den Leader at

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