Middle School Flying Dutchbots win 3, lose 2 matches
submitted by Manchester Flying Dutchbots Team
The Manchester Flying Dutchbots Team #11193, competed last weekend. They placed overall 14th out of 35. During the competition, the Dutchbots held first place for the first half of the competition, winning three matches and losing two. The game consisted of two alliances, which would work together against the other team. The teams would try to insert foam blocks (glyphs) inside a scoring container (cryptobox). At the end of the game, each team’s robot would try to take a game piece and lift it outside of the game grounds and place it in one of the three scoring zones. The team is proud of getting so much done in a short period of time. They also feel proud that they placed so well with no robot driving experience.
The team will compete again on December 9th at East Jackson.
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