Manchester Family Service Christmas Shop Adoption Program and Gift Giving

Volunteers organize the goods for the 2016 MFS Christmas Shop, which this year is being held at the cafeteria of the former Middle School, 710 E. Main Street.
Manchester Family Service (MFS) exists to provide aid to many families and individuals in the community. As the holiday season approaches, they seek ways to brighten lives through their annual Christmas Project. Through the project, MFS coordinates the efforts of persons, organizations and businesses in our community to provide gifts, food, warm clothing and other items to those they serve. They are asking for your assistance in making this project a success again.
All donated items will be distributed at their annual “Christmas Shop” on Saturday, December 16 from 9am to noon in the cafeteria in the former middle school located at 710 E. Main. On Friday, December 15, it will be open from 9am-5pm to receive donations. Please enter through the outside door from the parking lot in front. There will be signage to direct you.
Coats, boots, sweaters, hats and gloves are gladly accepted as well as toys and household items such as sheets, towels, blankets, dishes, kitchen items and Christmas decorations. Groceries (no glass containers please) and paper products are items that are also distributed at this time. Please, no clothing or shoes, other than what has been specified.
Their popular “Christmas Adopting” project is for organizations, local businesses and families or individuals that wish to enter into the spirit of giving by purchasing gifts for one of their seniors, singles and/or families who have indicated that they would like to be adopted. Information on gender, age and gift ideas for each individual as well as a suggested range of spending is available. Gifts should not be wrapped. If you wish to take part in this project by adopting a family, contact John Sahakian at 734-428- 7183 or email,; or to adopt a Senior or Single, contact Marlene Uphaus at 734-428- 8403 or email,
These gifts can be brought to the cafeteria on Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 12 and 13 between the hours of 3-7pm.
Donations of money are used for their monthly Food Gatherers Day expenses, emergency assistance for rent and utilities, and food vouchers at the local market, among other things. Donations may be sent to Manchester Family Service, Attention: John Sahakian, Treasurer, at P.O. Box 471, Manchester, MI 48158. For income tax purposes, donations to Manchester Family Service are considered tax exempt to the extent of the law. Manchester Family Service, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization.
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