Manchester couple new Washtenaw County Young Farmer Chairs

Kathleen and Matt Noggle, Manchester Township residents, are the new Young Farmers Chairs for Washtenaw County Farm Bureau
Manchester couple, Kathleen and Matt Noggle, are the new Washtenaw County Young Farmer Chairs through the Michigan Farm Bureau Young Farmer program.
Matt and Kathleen moved to Michigan a year ago to be more involved in Matt’s family’s farm. The family has been farming in Manchester since the 1880s. They are now raising corn and hay as their main cash crops. Matt’s dad started raising Simmental cattle in the 1970s and they now have about 100 beef cows and have a 400 head feedlot. Their family is involved in National Cattleman’s Beef Association, Michigan’s Cattleman’s Association, 4-H, and Michigan Farm Bureau.
In addition to helping on the farm, Matt works as an Ag Lender for Chelsea State Bank and coaches the Washtenaw County livestock judging team, and Kathleen serves as a 4-H program coordinator for Washtenaw County. Matt and Kathleen have already volunteered in various capacities with the Farm Bureau since moving here including helping with Farm Safety Day, joining the Promotion & Education Committee, and attending the Young Farmer Leadership Conference and Michigan Farm Bureau Annual Meeting. They are planning to attend the Voice of Ag Conference in January.
Matt and Kathleen are very excited to keep the Young Farmer program rolling strong and continue advocating for agriculture.
Michigan Farm Bureau’s Young Farmer program is focused on engaging members between the ages of 18 and 35. The program’s mission is to inform, educate, lead and serve. Read more about it here:
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