Turkey Trot accomplished; Reindeer Run ahead!

As the sun rose over the Manchester Athletic Complex last Wednesday, more than 85 participants gathered around an inflatable turkey after completing the Walk to School “left-over” Turkey Trot!
The Walk to School group, coordinated by Klager teacher Kathy O’Mara, which meets Mondays and Wednesdays throughout town, hosted a “left-over” Turkey Trot last Wednesday. The event was postponed from the previous Monday, when school was closed. Despite the cold, more than 85 kids and adults participated in the walk, nearly covering up the inflatable turkey who greeted them by the crossing guard in front of Klager. Medals and turkey hats ran out and were replenished by Mrs. O’Mara at school.
Coming up next Monday, Dec. 11, will be the Reindeer Run! Join us at 7:30 am at either Wurster Park (in front of the Gazebo), or the rock at the old middle school. Later arrivals can meet at Chi-Bro Park (near the water tower) at 7:45 am, and departure time is 7:50 am. Prizes and incentives will be part of the festivities!
The walk to school groups meet each Monday and Wednesday that school is in session. If outdoor recess is cancelled due to temperatures, the walk to school events will also be cancelled.
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