Announcement: Silvanus and Darlene Egler 60th Wedding Anniversary
Silvanus and Darlene (Dunny) Egler celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary with family and friends with a dinner-dance in Payson, Arrizonia at Mazatzal Casino. They were married October 26, 1957 in Manchester. Both were employed by S.S.Kresge Co. in Ann Arbor. They raised four children and are blessed with eight grandchildren and sixteen great-grandchildren. In August 1968, Silvanus and family were transferred to Phoenix, Arizona to open the first Kmart in the state of Arizona. After 39 years, Sil and Darlene retired in January 1988 and moved to Payson, Arizonia. Sil and Darlene are active members of the Catholic Church, Knights of Columbus, St. Vincent De Paul Food Bank, and Payson Elks. Their motto is “Spend time with family, friends, and have fun. In honor of their anniversary, their children presented them a family trip to Hawaii.
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