Public Notice: Manchester Township Resolution No. 17-05 regarding 2018 March Board of Review

Manchester Township Hall
RESOLUTION AND OVERVIEW regarding 2018 March Board of Review
PA 194 of 2003 provides for alternate starting dates for the township board of review’s first meeting in March. A township board may authorize an alternate starting date by an ordinance or resolution. MTA recommends township boards who wish to provide an alternate starting date adopt a resolution instead of an ordinance, because an ordinance must be published and would have to be amended if the board wanted to change the dates in the future.
A township board may choose to stay with the second Monday in March or specify an alternative date of the Tuesday or Wednesday following the second Monday in March. Township boards should consult with the asessor, supervisor, or board of review chairman before adopting an alternate date.
RESOLUTION regarding Manchester Township 2018 March Board of Review
WHEREAS, Public Act 194, 2003 allows the township board by resolution to select an alternative starting date in March when the board of review shall initially meet.
WHEREAS, MCL 211.30 provides an alternative starting date of Wednesday following the second Monday of March.
WHEREAS, The assessor availibility to assist the board of review on that day shall be the reason for selecting Wednesday in 2018.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Manchester Township Board approves the Board of Review meeting on the second Wednesday of March in 2018.
The foregoing Resolution was offered by Board Member Moutinho and supported by
Board Member Carey.
A roll call vote on the above Resolution was taken and was as follows:
Ayes:_Carey, Milkey, Proctor, Moutinho, Seefeld, DeRossett
I, the undersigned Township Clerk of the Township of Manchester hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the Township Board of the Township of Lyndon held on December 12, 2017, the original of which is on file in my office, and that notice of such meeting was given, and the meeting was conducted, pursuant to and in compliance with the Act No. 267, Michigan Public Acts of 1976, as amended.
Danell Proctor
Manchester Township Clerk
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