Library hosts special “Take Your Child to the Library” event Saturday

Jennifer Carson will be reading and discussing her new book, “Ducky’s New Ball,” at a Children’s Library Day event at the Manchester District Library starting at 10:30 am on Saturday, Feb. 3.
Manchester District Library will celebrate “Take Your Child To The Library Day” this Saturday, Feb. 3 with a special children’s author event from 10:30 am to noon. All ages are welcome!
Manchester author, Jennifer Carson, will read her newest book, “Ducky’s New Ball,” at 10:30 am, with author discussion and a signed book give away. She will also have copies of her book on site for sale at a cost of $17.99.
She has also written three middle-grade novels; one of which, Hapenny Magick, was turned into a musical that will be produced locally this summer.
Children’s librarian, Ms. Karen, will talk about the importance of having a library card, and how your child can get one.
Drawings, and a pizza and punch celebration will be available after the morning’s events, to all who attend.
Jennifer Carson, who grew up in Manchester, recently moved back to the area with her husband, four sons, and a variety of four legged friends. She grew up on a steady diet of Muppet movies, and renaissance faires and would occasionally be caught reading under the blankets with a flashlight.
“I’ve always wanted to illustrate my own stories,” she said. “I’d seen a handful of books illustrated in a similar way to mine so I just decided to go for it. I decided to use the skills I had and create unique illustrations. Ducky came first. She was inspired by the Ugly Duckling costume I saw in a production of Shrek, the musical. She was so cute that I decided she needed friends. The story just kind of evolved from there.”
Jennifer teamed up with local photographer Mary Bortmas of Unforgettable Photos to help her with illustrating her book. She chose to work with Bortmas and her “excellent photography skills” when illustrating the story, using her own hand-created dolls. She will bring the set and the dolls to the library so kids can see them. “Ducky and Spike is my first picture book, but not my last!” she says. Besides telling tales, and being an editor for Spencer Hill Press, Jennifer likes to create fantasy creatures and characters and publishes her own sewing patterns. Her work has been featured in national magazines like Faerie Magazine, Soft Dolls and Animals, and Dolls United. In the spring of 2008, Jennifer was featured on the ABC affiliate, WMUR-TV show, “New Hampshire Chronicle.” Her website is
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