Photo: Hundreds of dirty dishes & daunting stack of pans to be washed after st. Mary’s fish Fry

Thank you, Manchester and surrounding areas, for a fantastic fish fry season. We appreciate your patronage very much. You broke all records and we have one more fish fry to go. Last Friday, we served 708 dinners, including 259 drive-through, for a total of 3,212 over a five-week period. Don’t miss St. Mary’s last delicious fish fry this Friday, March 23, 4:30-7 p.m. at St. Mary Parish Center, 110 Madison Street. When the party is over, there are always dirty dishes to wash and St. Mary’s fish fries are no exception. Here, Jim Burch has a daunting stack of pans waiting when he finishes washing hundreds of dishes. Submitted by Betty Cummings.
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