Public Notice: Manchester Township Resolution No. 18-02

Manchester Township Hall
Township of Manchester
Resolution No. 18-02
March 13, 2018
A resolution to approve the Washtenaw County Solid Waste Management Plan 2017 Amendment.
WHEREAS, Part 115 of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 194 PA 451, as enforced by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ), requires each Michigan County to have Solid Waste Management Plan to assure that solid waste generated in the county is collected and recovered, processed or disposed of for a ten-year period at facilities that comply with state laws and rules; and
WHEREAS, in furtherance of the statutory requirements, the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners appointed a 14-member Solid Waste Planning Committee in August 2015 to amend Washtenaw County’s 1999 Solid Waste Management Plan; and
WHEREAS, PURSUANT TO Michigan statute, the draft Solid Waste Management Plan amendment was opened to a lengthy and robust public comment period, held from April through October 2017; and
WHEREAS, the Plan language promotes municipal and residential coordination and collaboration with Washtenaw County to provide integrated solid waste management programs and policies that emphasize waste prevention, reduction, recycling and composting; and
WHEREAS, On December 6, 2017, the Washtenaw County Solid Waste Management Plan 2017 Amendment was formally approved by the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners and will next be presented to the twenty-eight jurisdictions within Washtenaw County for their consideration and action of approval prior to submittal to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality for final approval.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Manchester Township supports the Washtenaw County Solid Waste Management Plan 2017 Amendment; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Manchester Township approves the Washtenaw County Solid Waste Management Plan 2017 Amendment, and supports the Plan being submitted to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality for final approval.
Township Trustee ___Moutinho_____________ moved the adoption of the foregoing Resolution, which was seconded by Township Trustee ____Carey__________________
and thereupon adopted by the Manchester Township Board of Trustees by a roll call vote of the Township Board at the regular meeting, held this 13th day of March, 2018.
The following members voted:
Ayes: ___Carey, Moutinho, Milkey, Proctor, Seefeld, Macomber
Nays: _________________________________________________________
Absent or abstain: __DeRossett____________________________________________
The Supervisor declared the resolution adopted.
Danell Proctor, Township Clerk
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