College planning event set for April 19
Any parent who’s been involved in the college selection process over the past few years knows it’s a whole new world. So many challenges face college-bound students and their families that the process can feel overwhelmingly complicated, impossibly time consuming, and rife with stress. The “best known” schools are more competitive than ever. Costs continue to rise by twice the inflation rate each year. The national dropout or transfer rate is more than 49%, taking students longer to graduate, and costing families even more money. That’s why it is critical to know your options early in the process.
The team at Parros College Planning has a solution and will be hosting a workshop for all parents whose students are considering attending college on Thursday, April 19 from 7:15-8:15 PM. While this workshop will follow the junior meeting, it is open to all students from 8th, 9th, and 10th grade. In this workshop presented at Manchester High School, parents will learn how to save for their children’s education regardless of socioeconomic status, how to afford private colleges at a public college cost, the importance of the FAFSA, and a timeline for college success. In addition, parents will gain access to scholarship forms valued up to $1,895. Please bring your children so that they can hear this information.
This is what a previous attendee had to say about the event:
“I think many kids in Manchester don’t know about the scholarships that are available or what they are for. When I have mentioned it to parents, they were unaware of the scholarship or how to apply. Honestly, I have not seen anything come home regarding scholarships since I got the one when I applied for Reese over four years ago. When I applied for Reese, I had only heard about it because I received an email or letter about it for my younger son. The opportunity to have help with the college application process is priceless.” -Stacy Fry (mother of Reese Fry, class of 2018).
Get on top of the college admission game and find out all of the things that will prepare your student to apply to colleges. Find out what colleges are looking at as they evaluate your student and how you can help them attend the college of their dreams.
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