Letter to the Editor: Racial stereotyping isn’t my Manchester
April 8, 2018
One day last week, one or possibly several homes were broken into in the Manchester area and the break-in(s) were caught on a video camera. At several places in Manchester that day, I heard that it was a “black guy” that was responsible.
What if it had not been an African-American? What if the person had been white? I suspect I would have heard that it had been just “a guy” that was responsible. But “black”, of course, is what would might expect? Right?
I’m not in favor of breaking into folks’ houses at all. But this is a town that prides itself on its welcoming folks and this kind of racial stereotyping isn’t my Manchester. Can we get over it?
Joan Gaughan
Do you have something you want Manchester to know? Send your letter to the editor to themanchestermirror@gmail.com.
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