Sara Swanson

County holding Mental Health Millage Community Conversation in Chelsea

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Last November, Washtenaw County voters passed a mental health/public safety millage, a millage which was divisive in our corner of the county as 24% of the total millage funds is being turned over to municipalities with their own police forces (of which there are none in our area) and 38% is going to the Washtenaw County Sheriff Office (which only Manchester Village contracts with, while none of the surrounding Townships do). That leaves 38% remaining which Washtenaw County will use to help secure crucial mental health services for Washtenaw County residents. The County has newly formed the Community Mental Health Advisory Committee (CMHAC) and has charged it with developing specific recommendations on how to invest the mental health millage resources.

The CMHAC has been holding Mental Health Millage Community Conversations around the county to gather insights, stories and ideas from the public to help inform the most appropriate investments of these valuable community resources. Thanks to Kathy Walz, St. Joesph Mercy – Chelsea’s Behavioral Health Navigator who comes to Manchester once a week to meet with those in need of mental health services, the CMHAC is holding a Mental Health Millage Community Conversation for the western half of the county in Chelsea on Monday, April 30 from 5 to 6 pm at St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea, in Atrium A & B Conference Rooms.

Although not in Manchester, this is a near-by opportunity for the County to hear Manchester’s voice on this important topic. From lack of mental health services in Manchester to lack of public transportation to get to mental health services in other communities, let the CMHAC know how the millage money could be used to improve mental health in our corner of the county.

Please contact Kathy Walz, Behavioral Health Navigator, at 734-680-5312 with any questions

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