Letter to the Editor: I’m voting “no” on May 8th

April 26, 2018
Dear Editor,
On May 8th, we in Sharon Twp. will be voting whether we want to be required to pay for Broadband installation with a 20 year increase in property taxes or not. This property tax increase also covers the cost of to-the-house installation for those who want Broadband, irregardless of the driveway length.
Although those in favor of this are enticed by higher speed internet potential, current internet usage is adequate for our practical needs. It works well for things like checking portals from our doctor’s office, doing research for school subjects, looking up instructions for home projects, checking costs and purchasing items on the internet, corresponding via e-mail, sending pictures or files, and much more. Most of us who work from home, as I have in graphics, have adequate internet also.
The majority of letters from those favoring Broadband have said that watching a movie on the internet is part of the reason. While the convenience of streaming a movie is nice, should we require other homeowners to pay property tax for their availability on our computers?
The required increase in property taxes will reduce the desirability of our homes for 20 years, should we need to sell them. Nearby Jackson County has already had prior appeal to some due to lower taxes. Some properties’ taxes will even increase more than $1500 per year, or total of over $30,000 in the required 20 years. Being charged based on frontage would have been a more realistic and fair choice to consider.
I am voting No on May 8th.
Kathy Johanson
Sharon Township
Do you have something you want Manchester to know? Send your letter to the editor to themanchestermirror@gmail.com.
Note: Because of the proximity to the election, the Manchester Mirror will no longer accept pre-election letters to the editor on the topic of the Broadband in Sharon Township.
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