Fourth Annual “Out of the Darkness” Walk set for May 20

Last year’s “Out of the Darkness” walk participants at Carr Park.
submitted by Megan Linski, walk coordinator
The Manchester High School Out of the Darkness Campus Walk is set for this year on Sunday, May 20, at Carr Park. Registration begins at 2 pm, and the walk will start at 3 pm.
The walk fights suicide by raising money for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP). AFSP sponsors suicide prevention programs, mental health research, as well as programs for suicide loss survivors. AFSP also supports anti-bullying programs. Since 2015, Manchester’s walk has raised nearly $10,000 since 2015 for suicide prevention. The walk goal for this year’s event is $2,000.
Megan Linski, founder of the event, is serving her fourth year as Walk Chair in 2018.
“New for this year will be face painting and a doggy costume contest,” Linski said. “It’s going to be a fun event the entire family can enjoy.”
Every year, participants walk from Carr Park and down Main Street to raise awareness for suicide prevention. Honor beads are distributed among the walkers to signify what loved ones walkers have lost; if they’ve struggled personally; or if they support the cause.
“This walk is vital for our town,” Linski said. “Mental health is a priority for Manchester. We were the first school in Washtenaw County, even before the University of Michigan, to hold an AFSP walk. I think that is something to be proud of, and something that needs to continue.”
Linski began the walk after losing a friend, 2011 MHS graduate Krisen Lison, in 2013 to suicide. “It began as a way to honor her, but as people have come to this walk I’ve heard their stories as well. It became a way to celebrate life,” Linski said.
As for Linski, 2018 will be her last year serving as Walk Chair due to health reasons. The Manchester AFSP Out of the Darkness Campus Walk is currently looking for volunteers to serve on a committee, serve as Walk Chair, and help put the walk on for 2019. Linski is willing to guide the new group into the future as she steps down from being chair.
“This walk is bigger than me. It’s about all of us,” Linski said. “This walk is dependent on the community, and dependent on good people to help out it on.”
People interested in volunteering can contact Linski at for more information.
“Every year, I always say it’s a family reunion,” Linski said. “We’re family here in Manchester. And we take care of family.”
To register online for the walk, go to
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