Sweet Soles fitness program returning to Manchester

Paige Bourland, organizer of Sweet Soles, during a Sweet Soles event last year. (Photo courtesy of Bourland family).
The free fitness program, Sweet Soles, is coming back to Manchester this summer! Sweet Soles offers eight weeks of running and walking opportunities, with up to three planned run/walks each week from Chi Bro Park starting June 2nd. A couch to 5K program, fitness tips, healthy foods ideas, free Sweet Soles Race in Manchester, free Sweet Soles T-shirt, walking/running plans, coupons and giveaways are more components of this program.
To participate, you must be 13 and older, unless your parent is involved. Pre-register for the programs at the Farmers Market in May or you can register any time by emailing sweetsoles.manchester@gmail.com. All fitness levels are welcome. There will be a Sweet Soles 5K race on Saturday, July 28th, 2018. If you participate in the sweet soles program you will also receive a discount on your Run Manchester race fee.
Sweet Soles, now in its second year, was designed by and is run by Paige Bourland, who earned her Girl Scout Gold Award, the highest honor you can earn in Girl Scouting, by developing and sustaining this program. She will be receiving her gold award in a ceremony this Wednesday.
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