Grassland Nesting Birds Hike at Watkins Lake

Henslow’s sparrow. Photo by Chuck Mekbel, courtesy of Legacy Land Conservancy.
Grasslands are no longer a common habitat in our area and many birds depend on it. Watkins Lake State Park and County Preserve is prime habitat for grassland birds.
On June 23 from 9 to 11 am, a Legacy Land Conservancy expert will help you identify the grassland birds of Watkins Lake during their nesting season. Grassland birds observed at Watkins Lake include: Henslow’s Sparrow which is endangered in Michigan, Grasshopper Sparrow and Dickcissel–both species of special concern, meaning they are rare or declining in number–Bobolink, and Northern Mockingbird.
For more information or to register, email or call 734-302-5263. Park for the hike at the main parking lot off of Arnold Road.
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