Come see Dance with Hearts Studio’s award winning competition dance at spring recital

Photo courtesy of Anya Noveskey, owner and director of Dance with Hearts Studio
Dance with Heart Studios of Manchester and Adrian recently announced the progress of their 2018 competition season.
The team, made up of thirty-four children, ranged in age from 7 to 18 years old. The have attended three competitions, including Dance Masters of Michigan held at South Lyon High School in March; Bravo held at Western Walled Lake High School in April; and StarQuest held at Northern Walled Lake High School in May. All competitions were adjudicated and the team received high honors. Many Dance with Hearts students earned special awards as well as placing in the top ten of their respected age divisions.
Competitors can perform solos, duets, trios, and small groups. They must also perform in the entire team’s “production number.” This year the production number was “Oklahoma” and the team earned several platinums, first places and overall awards for their performances. Team members had to practice at home outside of class 2 to 4 hours extra per week in addition to taking the regular required dance classes. They also had to be available to take private lessons and practice together as a team weekly in the studio.
Owner and director of Dance with Hearts Studio, Anya Noveskey, stated, “If you would like to see the award winning competition dance “Oklahoma,” Dance with Heart Studio’s annual spring recital will be held at the The Centre, in Adrian on US223 approximately 2 ½ miles west of downtown. The recital dates are: June 8 at 7pm, June 9 at 1pm, and June 9 at 7pm. Tickets are $12 and will be sold at the door. This year’s recital is themed “TV Land” and will include fantastic music from TV shows from the 1950s to 2000s.”
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