Obituary: Jan E. Neukom

Jan E. Neukom (Aug. 2, 1941 – June 20, 2018)
Jan Elizabeth Neukom was born on August 2, 1941 in Toledo, Ohio. She died on June 20, 2018 at her beloved family cottage at Sand Lake Michigan. She was the daughter of Albert and Jeanette Neukom of Adrian, Michigan, the wife of James Kilchenman of Manchester, Michigan and the sister of Albert (Jay) Neukom of Hillsdale, Michigan, all of whom preceded her in death. She will be missed by her sisters, Julia Neukom Titley of Grand Rapids, Michigan, Jody Neukom Talbot of Vail, Colorado and her devoted sister in law, Mickey (Helen) Neukom of Hillsdale, Michigan. She has also left behind a niece and 6 nephews.
Jan had many passions. She nurtured many a lost cat and dog. She was an excellent cook and brought a variety of unusual flavors to her table. She was a gardener … flowers and sun kissed tomatoes, a swimmer, and an avid reader. She tackled and solved puzzles, be they in the New York Times, set up on a table or how to fix a broken lawn mower. She was a committed beatnik beginning with her years at Albion College. Jan’s sense of humor was a surprising contribution to any conversation. And Jan was a skilled weaver of the written and spoken word.
Jan struggled mightily with frontal lobe dementia and sadly missed leading an active life for the past few years. She will be remembered for her uniqueness and the many passions that she shared with others.
Arrangements are entrusted to VanHorn-Eagle Funeral Home in Hillsdale. Please visit to leave online condolences.
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