Manchester Community Fair court, homemaker, & animal club exhibitors

2018 Fair Court. Courtesy of Manchester Community Fair.
With the close of this year’s fair this weekend, congratulations to the 2018 Manchester Community Fair Court: Queen: Jayden Humphrey, First runner-up: Natalie Bargardi, Second runner-up: Alyssa Davila, Third runner-up: Lauren Schriber, and Miss Congeniality: Gillian Bross.
In the homemaker competition, congratulations to 2018 Champion Homemaker: Susie Simpson, Reserve: Amy Pyle, Junior Champion Homemaker: Lila Harvey, Junior Reserve Homemaker: Max Harvey.
Congratulation to Animal Club exhibitors: Steer Club Grand Champion Clara Flint and Reserve Champion Ryan Kunzelman; Steer club Senior Showmanship Delaney Bross and Junior Showmanship Jamie Kerns; Lamb Club Grand Champion Jordyn Porter and Reserve Champion Glorianne Crosheck; Lamb Club Senior Showmanship Jayden Humphrey, Interim Showmanship Alexis Sloan, and Junior Showmanship Garrett Lamirand; Swine Club Grand Champion Jared Bunn and Reserve Champion Drake Booker; and Swine Club Senior Showmanship Lee Blumenauer, Interim Showmanship Jared Bunn, and Junior Showmanship Madelyn Ernst.

2018 Homemaker winners. Photo courtesy of Manchester Community Fair.
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