Updates on Shared Use Trail & CTAP projects

A section of Manchester’s Shared Use Trail
by Ray Berg, Downtown Development Authority
The Village is closing in on funding and construction of Phase 2 of the Manchester Shared-Use Trail. Phase 2 will complete the trail segment from Main Street east to the former rail-bed end east of Hibbard Street, and will connect to the existing asphalt segment within Chi-Bro Park and crossing M-52 to River Raisin Park.
Phase 2 will also complete the segment from the west side of the downtown mill pond west to Washington Street. These two segments will be constructed of compacted stone, similar to the existing segment of the trail west of Union Street.
Supporting funding for Phase 2 is coming from the 5 Healthy Towns Foundation, Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation, Consumers Energy Foundation, and the Manchester Community Chicken Broil. All engineering and construction drawings were completed in 2015, so this project is primarily construction. Discussions are currently underway with potential contractor(s) for updated estimates and schedules.
The completion of the Manchester Shared-Use Trail has taken on additional significance in light of the recently completed Watkins Lake Trail Feasibility Study, done to evaluate the potential for connecting the Watkins Lake State Park and County Preserve to the Manchester trail along the same rail-bed. The trail feasibility study is available for viewing on the Village website, www.vil-manchester.org
Kiosk signs and trail informational brochures are also being prepared as part of the 2018 Community Tourism Action Plan (CTAP), to assist users of the Shared Use Trail. The current funding covers the installation of two wood kiosk signs in 2018 – one in Chi-Bro Park which will contain information signage and brochures for the Shared-Use Trail, River Raisin Park and Chi-Bro Park. The second sign will be located at the junction of Union Street and Railroad Street by the river, with information and brochures on the trail, the Leonard Preserve, and the river. The sites for the signs have already been determined, the signs have been completed and they will be installed this fall by the Village DPW.
The Village of Manchester DDA receives an annual grant from the Washtenaw County Convention and Visitors Bureau through the CTAP program. These grants have funded a variety of infrastructure improvements in our downtown area the two map/information kiosk signs at both ends of downtown, the eight historic plaques located around the town, and the recently-installed “Walk Your City” signage. In addition it has funded promotional brochures and booklets such as the annual Manchester Map/Brochure, the Tour de Birds and Tour de Barn Quilts, and the annual Manchester Community Update booklet prepared each August in cooperation with Manchester Community Schools and the Community Resource Center.
For 2018-2019, besides the Shared Use Trail kiosks, the DDA is using CTAP funds to develop a walking tour brochure which covers a historic walk through the village with key points of interest, and three scenic walking routes noting our river and parks areas.
In 2019, after completion of the River Raisin Park, we will install lockable canoe/kayak storage cages at the canoe take-out, for use by those wishing to come downtown to eat, shop or enjoy our events after coming down the river from the Sharon Mills area. We’ll also develop a detailed map of the river from Sharon Mills to the downtown Mill Pond, with a variety of information on the river routes, things to see, and what’s available at the destination downtown. We also have funding to develop promotional videos of Manchester events and attractions for social media publication.
The CTAP program has been a major stimulus to Manchester tourism efforts and place-making programs. The DDA will appreciate any ideas residents may have for future improvements of these kinds.

Example of the type of kiosk sign that will be installed along the Shared Use Trail.
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