Freedom Township inviting public to safety planning seminar

Consumers Energy Pumping Station near Pleasant Lake from the air. Photo courtesy of Lon Nordeen.
In fall of 2017, Freedom Township formed a committee headed up by Freedom Township Planning Commission member, Matt Little, with the goal of creating an emergency preparedness plan tailored for the Township. Since then, Little and his team have worked hard to create a detailed plan of action for the township to better prepare for possible challenges and emergencies that might occur in Freedom Township and the surrounding area. He has coordinated with the Freedom Township Board on options for investments and other actions that could improve resident safety and support in case of an emergency.
On August 25, a Safety Planning Seminar is scheduled in the township hall at 11508 E Pleasant Lake Rd from 11 am to 2 pm, to communicate the plan and safety preparedness to the public. In addition to the safety committee, David Halteman, Director of the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Preparation and Homeland Security team, and the Pleasant Lake Property Owners Association have been involved in organizing this event. Halteman will speak and answer questions. State Representative Donna Lasinski will be the keynote speaker. There will also be representatives from Consumers Energy present to discuss their pipeline and the upgrade to the Freedom Pumping Station and safety experts from several pipeline firms that run through Freedom Township, as well a senior member of the Manchester Fire Department.
In addition to the regular safety issues of weather–from snow storms to extended hot temperatures, flooding, power outages, flooding, fires–there are seven pipelines running through Freedom Township, many running close to Pleasant lake, which creates a risk of a different type of emergency for Freedom Township in comparison to surrounding townships. The public is encouraged to attend the event. Come learn what to do as a community in the case of an emergency. Provide your input on what the community needs to be safe. Lunch will be provided.
Questions? Contact Matt Little 734-777-1030.

Cover of the 40+ page emergency Plan Matt Little and his team prepared and delivered for review to the Board. Photo courtesy of Lon Nordeen.
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