Tickets available for Farm to Table Fabulous Feast
The 5 Healthy Towns farm to table fabulous feast at the beautiful and historic Alber Orchard & Cider Mill is a little more than a month away, coming up on September 16th from 4 to 8 pm. While tickets, which cost $50 per person, are still available on Eventbrite, they are also available at the Manchester Farmers Market during Thursday afternoons at Chi Bro Park and at River Raisin Antiques on Main Street.
All proceeds will benefit the farmer’s markets in the 5 Healthy Towns–Manchester, Grass Lake, Stockbridge, Dexter and Chelsea. The dinner ticket includes two strolling/socializing appetizers, a five-course plated meal and two drink tickets which will feature local fruit and vegetables, meat, wine, and beer, flowers and more from those five farmers markets and will be prepared by local chefs, including the Moveable Feast’s Dan Huntsbarger, The Common Grill’s Craig Common, Owl Hollow Bakery, Two Black Sheep, Tunk’s Kitchen, and Food Art! And it will of course feature Alber’s fresh cider! Music will be provided after dinner by The Palooka Brothers, including simple and free contra dance lessons. There will be door prizes galore, too!
Alber Orchard & Cider Mill is located on Bethel Church Road in Freedom Township. Today it is owned and operated today Mike and Therese Bossory, and their children Megan and Nathan, but the farm was owned by Alber family for many generations. The land, deeded by President Andrew Jackson in 1832, was originally purchased by John Alber in 1881. The Bossorys grow more than 50 varieties of apples, many of which are heirloom varieties and operate the original (although modernized) 1890 press.
The five towns take turns hosting this event each year. Don’t miss out on Manchester’s turn!

Alber Orchard and Cider Mill
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