Sara Swanson

Art Kettle opening reception

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The Art Kettle, Manchester’s new Community Cultural Center and Artist Residency located at 121 West Main Street, will hold an opening reception this Sunday, September 9th from 1pm to 3pm. This free event will feature food, music and an art show, Manchester Ties, which includes painting, sculpture, ceramics, print making, collage, and mixed media works by local artists and makers including Margaret Shaw, Kathleen Graddy, Nancy Feldkamp, Margaret A. Miller, David Nelson, David Earle, Laura Earle, and the Manchester Mirror’s own Fritz Swanson and Danielle Muntz. Music will be provided by Westbound Situation Chambergrass Trio, with Grant Flick, Matt Davis and Jacob Warren. To help organizers to plan appropriately for attendance, please RSVP through eventbrite.

The driving force behind the Art Kettle, Laura and Rich Earle intend it to grow into central location where Manchester’s creative community can “collaborate and exhibit together” through exhibitions, lectures, workshops and an artist in residency program. They’ve recently partnered with Riverfolk Music & Arts. The historic home in which the Art Kettle is located is believed to have been built by the Fargo Brothers around 1835. (Read more about the Fargo Brothers and their role in the history of Manchester here.)

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