Walk to School days will start Sept. 10

Walk to school events attracted nearly 100 participants toward the end of last school year. Walk to School days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday starting Sept. 10. We are looking for new faces to join us!
It’s back to school time! And the Walk to School crew is looking for new participants for the new school year.
Walk to school days will begin next Monday, September 10. To start the year, meet up times will be the same as last year: Gazebo at 7:30 am and Chi-Bro at 7:45 am. In addition, there will be a walk-to-school location for Klager pupils who ride the bus, they will have the option of being dropped off at a walk to school gathering point at the high school so they can participate as well. Permission slips for the bus will include permission to participate in Walk to School days. These times may need some minor adjustments due to start times at the different schools, so stay tuned for updates and information coming home from school in the weeks ahead.
Organizer Kathy O’Mara is looking for community volunteers to walk with the kids this year. This is a great way to get in your morning walk, while getting to help the young people of our community to appreciate the importance of regular exercise. And it’s fun for everyone!
To volunteer, email komara@mcs.k12.mi.us, or call 734-428-8321 xt. 1316.
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