Eagle Scout creates storage shed for Farmers Market

Logan Luckhardt with his Eagle Scout project, a storage shed for the Farmers Market at Chi-Bro Park.
Logan Luckhardt, a 16-year old Life Scout working toward his Eagle Scout rank, is now one step closer to his ultimate goal.
“I joined Cub Scouts in first grade,” he says, “and I have been part of Scouting for 11 years.” When he first joined the Cub Scouts, Logan says he never thought much about becoming an Eagle Scout, but as he crossed over into Boy Scouting in fifth grade, he began to understand its significance. “From then on,” he adds, “I always wanted to become an Eagle Scout.”
So, last March he began the planning process for his Eagle Scout project. Looking for an opportunity to serve the community, he contacted Village Manager Jeff Wallace to see what might need to be done.
“Mr. Wallace mentioned the Farmers Market wanting a barn to store their tables, and he referred me to Mr. (Andy) Supers and Mr. (Ron) Milkey,” he explained. Logan met with Andy Supers and Ron Milkey to discuss the size and location of the barn, and then sought approval for his project from the Boy Scout Council, finally receiving that approval in early September.
From there, things moved forward quickly. Ron Milkey became Logan’s primary contact with the Farmers Market and the Village. On Saturday, September 22, construction began on the storage shed, with Logan leading the way.
Although completing the project might seem to be the final step, Logan also needs to finish a couple of required merit badges, along with filing the appropriate paperwork with the Council, before his Eagle rank is completed in January.
“There are so many people who have helped me along the way,” Logan commented. “First, my parents, for always supporting me. Then, everyone who has helped me through scouting–Mrs. Carson, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Brickley, Mr. Kwolek, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Huff, Mr. Lowery and Mr. Amrhein; I’d also like to thank Mr. Milkey for all his help and guidance with my project.”
The project will be completed in time for use this Farmers Market season and will be greatly appreciated by the vendors and staff to secure the equipment for the coming winter.
“I am very proud of the barn,” Logan said. I am glad that I could support a community event like the Farmers Market.
“I hope the vendors can use the barn for many years,” he added.
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